Monday, April 4, 2016

Second try on Jupiter + New ASI224 Camera

Got an used ZWO ASI224 camera for planetary imaging.
Finally decided not to use DSLR for this job.

My friends weChat me said the seeing is excellent on 4/1 (I thought it was a April Fool joke) so I only setup the quick one.

The second day (4/2) I setup my 10" to try on Jupiter.
Borrow a 5x Powermate from a friend and get the scope to F25.
Man, it so painful to find the target as I didn't use GoTo.

New on Firecapture too...

 Install a poor-man electric focuser too.

This is the focuser looks like ...

Finally give my small refractor another try. Still cannot get to focus with 5x Powermate...

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The result is still no good but I think I am getting there... ;-)