Monday, December 19, 2016

DSLR Narrowband (6nm Ha) Test

Always curious how well can a DSLR do with a narrowband filter.

This is from a single 1200s expo. With Canon t3i + 6nm Ha filter.


The second expo touchess the roof ;-)

Non process version ...

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

12/12/2016 - Moon Occult Aldebaran

This is my first time viewing occultation !! Happened at 19:06 and I did see it via my 70x15 bino.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

2016/11/10 Still Struggling ...

Received a new reducer/rotator design (super great customer service !)

Have a reasonable good focus ...

But still get egg shape stars on some corners...
And it rotates with the CCD (main lens and reducer don't rotate)

This is the one CCD face "up"

Rotate CCD to "left" 90 degree

Rotate CCD to "right" 90 degree

Still need to find out why ... ;-(

Sunday, October 9, 2016

10/8/2016 Test New Equipment

Tested my new refractor at my backyard last night.
Pointed the scope to zenith (90 degree), takes many 10 sec exposures with L filter.
Imaging with my STT-8300 CCD, guiding is on with very smooth guiding curve.
The focuser is tighten too.

Here are some diagnosis images:

(1) You can see egg shape of stars at the top-left and top-right corners. 

(2) If I rotated the CCD to 90 degree, the egg shape stars are now at top-right and bottom-right corners.

(3) If I rotated the CCD to 180 degree, the egg shape stars are now at bottom-right and bottom-left corners

(4) If I rotated the CCD to 270 degree, the egg shape stars are now at bottom-left and top-right corners

I also point the scope to 45 degree and see if there is any flexure on the imaging train. The egg shape stars are still the same. I also tighten the focuser very hard so it should have nothing to do with flexure...

Monday, September 12, 2016

Veil - Narrow Band

First time using PI to combine different channels. Combined 2 nights, 8hr Ha + OIII 20min subs.
Pretty happy with this result.
More detail at

Monday, July 11, 2016

7/4/2016 BLM - Comet C/2015WZ and UGC 10491

Not a pretty picture but I really enjoy digging out the faint stuff from this 120sec exposure. I was trying to image this faint and small comet (5.5"), but found a weird shape of fuzzy. Turns out it is a galaxy with interesting shape.

FSQ-85 with 0.76x
120s with L filter
Only process with flat and some stretch...

Saturday, July 9, 2016

7/4/2016 BLM - Imaging Veil Ha 4hr

Consider this is my first official night out to image with my CCD. Joined 3 other friends and do an all nigh imaging. The image above is not fully processed yet, will need more NB data. 12 sub, 1200sec each with 7nm Ha filter.

BLM is kind of in the middle of nowhere ...

A couple images of our setups...

There are some bullets on the ground... kind of scary...

Still learning SGP

Jing Wee took several very amazing Milky Way images for me !!

Monday, June 6, 2016

6/5/2016 - First Saturn Image

Seeing was no good and most of my AP friends are at BLM imaging deep sky objects... :-(
I was too tired from the camping trip (company offsite event) so decide to just do something in my front yard. Even feel too tired to move the setup to the backyard !

 Never image Saturn before so still learning...

Monday, May 30, 2016

5/29/2016 SJAA RDCO Private Viewing

Weather has been bad since last year. Finally we have a relative clear weekend.
There are about 20+ scopes there and most of them doing visual.

I take my FC-100 out the first time.
I setup close to Ryan (my friend) who has a very nice 10" Dob.

This is also the first time I use DSC (digital setting circle).
It is like cheating as star-hopping is no need now.
I look at the following objects from 9:30pm to 12:00am.

There is also a 8inch refractor there !!

The sky was OK dark but not very transparent.
I am not sure if I trust the SQM reading from my iPhone.
The milky way is not visible...

Sunday, May 8, 2016

First Time at Montebello (M101)

First time to try this local site (Montebello) close to Stanford. About 45min door-to-door from my house. ( The site is not as dark as BLM but it is good enough for me. I decide to go this place more often for narrow-band imaging.

Spent most of the time testing the FSQ-85 + STT-8300. Still struggle on the SGP auto focusing.
The star shape at the corners are not perfect too. This makes me thinking to upgrade to FSQ-106...

Below is one shot of 30min Ha of M101.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Second try on Jupiter + New ASI224 Camera

Got an used ZWO ASI224 camera for planetary imaging.
Finally decided not to use DSLR for this job.

My friends weChat me said the seeing is excellent on 4/1 (I thought it was a April Fool joke) so I only setup the quick one.

The second day (4/2) I setup my 10" to try on Jupiter.
Borrow a 5x Powermate from a friend and get the scope to F25.
Man, it so painful to find the target as I didn't use GoTo.

New on Firecapture too...

 Install a poor-man electric focuser too.

This is the focuser looks like ...

Finally give my small refractor another try. Still cannot get to focus with 5x Powermate...

Add caption

The result is still no good but I think I am getting there... ;-)

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Still Learning Planetary Imaging

This Wednesday seems like our only chance of good weather (in fact, Thursday turns out OK too), so I setup on my backyard and do some imaging.

It takes 30min to setup and 25min to tear it down...

The seeing is actually pretty good but my focusing skill sucks.
The result turns out not good.

Need to get an electrical focuser for sure.

Still using DSLR (Canon T3i) with BYEOS. Looks like I might need to invest an webcam or CCD ...