Thursday, May 25, 2017

05/25/2017 Refocus is needed ...

Here is a photo I took at 11pm and 4am without doing re-focusing...
You can see it is off by a lot !

Sunday, May 14, 2017

05/14/2017 More on my Front Yard Observatory

Give another try to image in my front yard. There are not many NB targets that I can access. NGC6888 is the only one at reasonable alt at 11pm...

But !! The street light is killing me !!!

It highlights all the dust on my lens, and maybe CCD filter...

Second night.. I have my son to deal with this problem with me... haha

A light shield works !!

Friday, May 5, 2017

Home Portable Observatory

I want to have a backyard observatory for years but, unfortunately, my backyard doesn't have enough space. My front yard has a big tree that blocks most of the sky...

Thing has changed last week !!
The front yard tree is cut down due to some property damages caused by the tree (approved by city) and now I can really do imaging there...

Bye bye tree ...

Here is my portable observatory ... ;-)

Yeah, I can only do narrowband imaging due to the stupid street light ...

Has to do some modification on the "Scope Buggy" to make it stable enough for long exposure imaging...

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

4/29/2017 - Take Adrian to William Hill for Visual Observing ...

My son really wants to go out with me, so we took our 10" dob and the binoculars and have a short trip to William Hill. Here are some pictures:

It is really cold at night !!!

Adrian really love astronomy !! He wants a bino by himself !
