Saturday, January 2, 2016

First Narrow Band CCD Experience

Acquired my CCD (SBIG STT-8300) used for a long time but didn't get chance to use it.
This is actually a new unit from AstroMart.

Setup at the evening after watching StarWar with wife...

The OAG of STT-8300 is really stupid. It shares the same USB port with the main CCD so there are a lot of problems. I hate those workaround. Some problems shows here:

I only get one 30min Ha sub and it is getting really cold (0-C).
I decided to back inside and do some adjustment on the gears.

Here is the quick process of the single-frame with 30 dark subs...
I think I like NB !! ;-)


  1. Nice gears. What is the astrozap of the top on FSQ106?

  2. This is the FSQ-85 ;-)
    The astrozap is for dew control...
